Themed Educational Day Camp

Themed Educational Day Camp

Experiential learning allows participants to have first-hand experience, increasing their engagement level. Together with the debriefing session, the day camp facilitates participants’ reflection on their own values and the importance of making the right choices.

Family Day Camp

Content:To enhance and reflect the importance of parent-child relationship through parent-child cooperative activities.
Theme:Family Day Camp

8-12 Family Pair (One adult with one child)

3 hours (09:30-12:30 / 14:15-17:15)

Free of charge

Family Pair (P1 - P3/ P4 - P6)


Transportation to be arranged by school/organization at their own costs.


Day Camp for Ethnic Minority Students

Content:Acting as a magic school student to overcome different challenges in the school, students need to learn to be obedient and respect others.
Theme:Minorities empowered

20participants (Students in the same grade recommended)

3 hours (9:30am to 12:30pm / 2:15pm to 5:15pm)

Free of charge

P3 - P6 (Non-Chinese speaking students)


I) Activities will be conducted in English. II) Transportation to be arranged by school/organization at their own costs. III) Limited Time Offer (March to June 2025)


  • We should respect each other. (Student)
  • It is good to prepare their secondary school life. (Teacher)

Stay Away From Online Traps

Content:To enhance students' critical thinking about receiving and distributing information on the Internet, and to establish a good attitude toward Internet use.

20 - 40 participants (Students in the same grade recommended. )

3 hours (9:30am to 12:30pm / 2:15pm to 5:15pm)

Free of charge

P3 - F3


Transportation to be arranged by school/organization at their own costs.


  • Students knew different types of cybercrimes and the consequences of committing crimes. It will help prevent juvenile crimes. (teacher)

Say 'No' to Drugs

Content:It helps students understand the harmful effects of drugs, so as to enhance their competence to resist the temptation of drugs.

20 - 40 participants (Students in the same grade recommended)

3 hours (9:30am to 12:30pm / 2:15pm to 5:15pm)

Free of charge

P3 - F3


Transportation to be arranged by school/organization at their own costs.


  • I was impressed by the skills to refuse drugs. (Student)
  • It helped me know the harms of drugs and how to refuse them (Teacher)

Peer Influence

Content:It helps students recognize the consequences of making friends with unruly elements and remain cautious and vigilant when making new friends
Theme:Peer Influence

20 - 40 particiapants (Students in the same grade recommended)

3 hours (9:30am to 12:30pm / 2:15pm to 5:15pm)


P3 - F3


Transportation to be arranged by school/organization at their own costs.


  • Through the experience in the stimulated jail, I could feel the consequence of committing crime and the hardship of losing freedom. (Student)
  • It facilitated reflection on the attitudes when getting along with friends, and how to reject friends' improper behavior. (Teacher)

Anti Bullying

Content:It explores the impact of bullying with students in order to strengthen their empathy, and to build a harmonious campus.

20 - 40 participants (Students in the same grade recommended)

3 hours (9:30am to 12:30pm / 2:15pm to 5:15pm)

Free of charge

P3 - F3


Transportation to be arranged by school/organization at their own costs.


  • I liked the maze that I could experience the feeling of being bullied. (Student)
  • Students could understand bullying and its consequences through different games and activities, and know how to deal with it. (Teacher)

Activity Results

2024-2025 thematic day camp service figures

  • 9

    No. of Kindergartens, Primary Schools, Secondary Schools, Tertiary Institutions

  • 12

    No. of Sessions

  • 263

    No. of Beneficiaries

Activity Effectiveness

  • Close to95%

    of participants agreed that they have an increase of awareness of crime prevention

  • Close to88%

    of participants expressed satisfaction in Community Education and Crime Prevention Service