Life Education Theatre

Life Education Theatre

  • 2019
    2019/06/21 Forum Theatre “Sheep in Wolf's Skin”

    Acted by rehabilitated persons, they personally interpreted their difficulties on the road to rehabilitation. It reflected the reality and was very touching.

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  • 2014
    2014/06/17 Life Education Theatre “Father and Daughter”

    Adapted from real stories, it revealed the difficulties of rehabilitated persons in re-building family relations, and the difficulties of returning to society.

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  • 2010
    2010/02/17 Live.Life -“Story of Ah Yu”

    The drama was adapted from a real story. It was led by the Hong Kong Repertory Theatre, which Mr. Chow Chiu Lun rehearsed over and over again with all volunteers and rehabilitated ex-offenders. It illustrated Ah Yu’s experience from a drug abuser, drug possession, imprisonment to rehabilitation. Thanks to the positive responses from the audience, the drama has run for three times.

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