Live. Life – 'Story of Yu' was premiered on November 14, 2009 at Lok Sin Tong Yu Kan Hing Secondary School. Thanks to the positive responses, the district groups actively invited us to deliver public performances again. The second and third performance were conducted at PLK Stanley Ho Sau Nan Primary School and Chengzhai Community Hall on December 5, 2009 and January 9, 2010, respectively.
This story was about the journey of a young girl, Ah Yu, how she went through from drug abuse, imprisonment to rehabilitation. After months of rehearsal, the actors and actresses, acted on stages and also shared their experience and stories, with the audiences.
The performers were not professional actors, some were volunteers, and some were ex-drug abusers, and people from all walks of life became the audience. They were all attracted by the scenes and shared the feeling of rehabilitated persons. All the tears and applause of the audience, together with the hard work and sincere sharing of the actors made the essence of this play.