Life Education Theatre “Father and Daughter”

Life Education Theatre “Father and Daughter”


The "Father and Daughter", jointly organized by SRACP and Wong Tai Sin District Fight Crime Committee, and sponsored by the Hong Kong Correctional Services Department and Kowloon Lok Sin Tong, toured around the secondary schools in Wong Tai Sin District. The event was held from November 2013 to March 2014, hoping to present the experience of rehabilitated persons through theater performances and post-performance sharing, so that students could understand the impact of crime on individuals and families and stay away from crime.

"Father and Daughter" is adapted from real story of an ex-offender, revealing the hardships in the rehabilitation journey. Mandy, an experienced speaker of CECPS, enacted his own story. He was sentenced to death for committing murder and was later commuted to life imprisonment. In 1997, he was pardoned and returned to the society. For more than two decades, he visited hundreds of primary and secondary schools to "speak his own story", appealing students to love themselves and not to break the law.