"Fight Crime, Foster Rehabilitation" Activity @ Wong Tai Sin

"Fight Crime, Foster Rehabilitation" Activity @ Wong Tai Sin


In cooperation with the Wong Tai Sin District Fight Crime Committee, "3S Gas Station" was organized, with a hope to extend the message of anti-drug and anti-crime to the community.

"3 S" means “SMART”, “STRONG” & “SHARE”.

"SMART": From December 2018 to February 2019, a total of 1,010 students from five secondary schools in the district were provided with talks about rehabilitation. Sharing by the rehabilitated ex-offenders, young people could understand the adverse consequences of committing crime and the importance of making wise choices for their future. The talks also brought out the difficulties on the road to rehabilitation, and called for society’s acceptance to rehabilitated persons. 

"STRONG": Professional composer was invited to write the theme song "Reborn", which was recorded by rehabilitation ex-offenders, Crime Prevention Ambassadors and three members of the Wong Tai Sin District Fight Crime Committee (including the Chairperson of the Activity Working Group, President Mok Chung-hui, and member Ms. Lin Guolan, Commissioner Ms. Li Baoyi). A collection of voices from different walks of life, symbolized the cohesion in supporting the rehabilitation. 

"SHARE": The mobile vehicle broadcasting the theme song of "Reborn" shuttled through Wong Tai Sin district and parked at some hot spots in the district. The "Crime Prevention Ambassador" of the Choir sang on the small stage installed in the van to promote the messages of crime prevention. At the same time, members of the Fight Crime Committee were invited to disseminate messages of "fight crime and support the rehabilitated ex-offenders" in the community.