Personal Growth

Personal Growth

“Sun” Action

Due to COVID-19, the Choir was unable to provide social services in the community. However, their enthusiasm towards the community and the people in need did not dropped. They prepared disinfectant packs and Christmas cards before Christmas and sent them to the elderly living alone through the district councilors.

Online programme

In order to strengthen the leadership training of members, choir members were invited to assist in online activity ''Welcome 2021—DIY X Music'' during the epidemic period. They shared the skills and experience of DIY.

Promotion Party

In the new school year, four junior members were promoted to senior members. The senior members thus decorated the activity room to welcome them. Besides, they also got to know each other through games, which enhanced their cohesion further.

Leadership Training Camp 2019 

The annual leadership training camp was held at the Jockey Club Silver Mine Bay Camp. Through different tasks and activities, the choir members were equipped to become outstanding "Crime Prevention Ambassadors". It enhanced mutual respect and understanding among the choir members, strengthened their cohesion, and cultivated leadership ability.

Volunteer Award Presentation Ceremony 2017

The Choir continued to participate in the annual Volunteer Award Presentation Ceremony. As crime prevention ambassadors, the choir actively participates in various community services. Last year, more members were awarded. The members gathered together to have fun with each other.